want to unlock your mind and unleash your true potential?

What if you had complete clarity on how to create the life you know you deserve?

what can i expect from this session?

On your Mindset Deep-Dive Session, we will uncover where your biggest mindset blocks are and what your current beliefs about yourself are. This will allow Sam to gain a better understanding of your current situation and put together a plan of action to help you reach your goals more quickly and efficiently.

At the same time, you will gain a much better understanding of the top tools that Entrepreneurs and Business Owners need to effectively start, scale and grow their businesses. 

All through the power of your mind.

These sessions have helped hundreds of Entrepreneurs to:

  • Find ultimate clarity on what is holding you back from reaching your goals
  • Unlock your true potential
  • Be more effective with your time
  • Increase of monthly revenue
  • Clear your mind of anxiety and frustration
  • Understand the mind of your potential clients
  • Reduce stress and overwhelm
  • Increase of energy
  • Strong development of awareness
  • And many more...

Meet sam

Meet Sam

Sam Becker, born and raised in Los Angeles, California, is a Mindset Business Coach and creator of Entrepreneur With...

After suffering through mindset issues of his own for 10+ years, he finally decided to make ultimate changes necessary to "start" and create the life that he wanted most. 

Today, he teaches the exact process that took him from ‘anxious and feeling completely incapable,’ to a confident entrepreneur, ready to take on any challenge -big or small.

His mission: 
To help entrepreneurs reach their true potential by breaking down roadblocks and reaching ultimate clarity to help create the live they desire and deserve.

The benefits:
His clients achieve new levels of confidence and income, while staying in alignment with their core values. 

The Process

Step 1 : Identify What You Do That Is Holding You Back

This is where we go deep and figure out what actions, behaviors or thoughts you are currently working with that have not been as productive as you would prefer.

Once we identify what it is that you are working with, we have officially set the foundation for the rest of the program.

Step 2 : Identify Why

Some self-sabotaging tendencies may not be as apparent as others when trying to identify why we do what we do, so understanding the underlying reason behind what we do to hold ourselves back is going to be key.

Step 3 : Identify our emotions

Now that we have identified what we do and why we do them, it’s time to understand how these actions, behaviors and thoughts ultimately make us feel.


Because as human beings, (hopefully most of us :P) we are driven by our emotions. When we’re happy, we make better decisions. When we’re upset or frustrated, we have the tendency to not make the best decisions.

This is the most important session as we will use this to really fuel our momentum for Steps 4 & 5.

Step 4 : Incorporate our new alternate behaviors

We now understand what we do, why we do them and how they make us feel. It’s time to bring in some new behaviors to go against what we’ve always found ourselves doing.

This will instill a massive amount of confidence, because confidence loves those who take action!

Step 5 : Refine and unlock!

We’re almost there!

This step is all about taking a look inside. 

How did these new behaviors make you feel?

Did it help bring you immediate confidence or did it bring some discomfort?

This is where we will discover what needs to be refined and adjusted. What brings immediate confidence may not need to be completely refined, but refined enough for your comfort and lifestyle.

What brings discomfort (which is normal!) may also not need to be completely adjusted, depending on your comfort and lifestyle.

Taking a look inside will give you the freedom and flexibility to adjust what is necessary and truly thrive in your life.


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